Various Fuel System Repairs at Tank Farm 2

Various Fuel System Repairs at Tank Farm 2

Various Fuel System Repairs at Tank Farm 2 Highlights Electrical repairs Tank component repairs CMS is repairing electrical components and replacing vertical filter separators at Tank Farm 2, a truck offload facility, at Misawa AB. In addition, we are repairing Tank...
Various Fuel System Repairs

Various Fuel System Repairs

Various Fuel System Repairs Highlights Multiple tank locations Type III and IV hydrant systems CMS is making repairs at Misawa AB Tank Farms 1 and 2, a truck offload facility, Type III and IV hydrant systems, and the North and South Service Stations. Work includes...
API653 Repairs on Tank 30001

API653 Repairs on Tank 30001

API653 Repairs on Tank 30001 Highlights Project also included work at Shaw AFB, SC McConnell AFB provides global with air refueling and airlift Expanded CMS CONUS fuels program CMS executed a $4.6M project to repair Tank 30001, a 27,400-BBL (1,150,800-gallon) Jet A...
Repair Tanks A-16 and A-17

Repair Tanks A-16 and A-17

Repair Tanks A-16 and A-17 Highlights Repair and clean two 125,000 BBL (5.25M gal) aboveground JP-8 Fuel Tanks Abatement of lead-based paint and hexavalent chromium coatings Logistically challenging and long duration (1320 calendar day) OCONUS project CMS was awarded...