- Best Places to Work in Indiana, Indiana Chamber of Commerce
- Top Performing Contractors, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Repair Hydrant System, Excellence in Construction Award, Guam Contractors Association (GCA)
- National Safety Excellence Award, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Update and Repair Hangar 706, Dover AFB, DE, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Indiana & Kentucky Excellence in Construction Award
- Repair HS-1 through HS-4, Andersen AFB, Guam, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Indiana & Kentucky Excellence in Construction Award
- Repair HVAC System AFLCMC F/20028, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Indiana & Kentucky Excellence in Construction Award
- Repair Tank A-19, Andersen AFB, Guam, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Indiana & Kentucky Excellence in Construction Award
- HIRE Vets Medallion Award – Platinum
- Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC), Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Safety Training Evaluation Program (STEP) Safety Management System Award, Diamond Level, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Certificate of Commendation for Safety Excellence, National AGC Safety Award (NASA), Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Missouri, Zero Incidence Rate, Federal & Heavy – 110,000 to 424,999 Work Hours
- National Safety Pinnacle Award, Associated Builders and Contractors, (ABC)
- Excellence in Construction Eagle Award, Associated Builders and Contractors, (ABC), Hydrant Tanks 1-2 and 2-1 at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
- Award of Excellence, Associated Builders and Contractors, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, Renovate/Expand Hangar 6, Building 18110, Andersen AFB, Guam
- Award of Excellence, Associated Builders and Contractors, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, Repair Hydrant Tanks 1-2 and 2-1, Andersen AFB, Guam
- Award of Excellence Associated Builders and Contractors, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, Kittyhawk Dorms – Repair Utilities/Windows/Doors, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Award of Merit, Associated Builders and Contractors, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, Clean and Repair Tanks at Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC), Bahamas
- 2nd Place, Construction Safety Excellence Awards, Associated General Contractors (AGC)
- HIRE Vets Medallion Award – Platinum
- Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC), Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Safety Training Evaluation Program (STEP) Award, Diamond Level, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Indiana/Kentucky Chapter
- National Excellence in Construction Pyramid Award, Convert F/20006 for Program Executive Office (Hangar 6), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- National Safety Excellence Award, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- U.S. Air Force Design Honor Award for Program Executive Office Hangar 6, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- 3rd Place, Construction Safety Excellence Awards, Associated General Contractors (AGC)
- ENR Midwest Best Project, Renovation/Restoration, Convert Hangar F/20006 for Program Executive Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- HIRE Vets Medallion Award – Platinum
- Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC), Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Excellence in Construction, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, Convert F/20006 (Hangar 6) for Program Executive Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- The James W. Rabold Award of Safety Excellence, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Indiana/Kentucky Chapter
- Safety Training Evaluation Program (STEP) Award, Diamond Level, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Indiana/Kentucky Chapter
- STEP Award, Diamond Level, Guam Contractors’ Association (GCA) Chapter
- National Excellence in Construction (EIC) Eagle Award, ABC, for Replacement of Tank 34 and Vehicle Fueling Station, Luis Munoz Marin Air National Guard Base, Puerto Rico
- #17 Top Military Contractors List, ABC List of Top Performers
- Finalist, Keystone Award – National Class, Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Missouri, Convert F/20006 (Hangar 6) for Program Executive Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Safety Excellence Award, Associated General Contractors of Missouri
- National Safety Excellence Award, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Excellence in Construction Award, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), for Replacement of Tank 34 and Vehicle Fueling Station, Luis Munoz Marin Air National Guard Base (ANGB), Puerto Rico
- Kentuckiana Post Excellence in Small Business Award, Construction Services Category, Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), for Convert Hangar, F/20006 for Program Executive Offices, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC), Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Award of Excellence, IN/KY Chapter of ABC, for Replacement of Tank 34 and Vehicle Fueling Station, Luis Munoz Marin Air National Guard Base (ANGB), Puerto Rico
- Award of Excellence, IN/KY Chapter of ABC, for Emergent Repair 6 STI Tanks at MSS, Andersen AFB, Guam
- Award of Merit, IN/KY Chapter of ABC, for Repair High Temperature Hot Water (HTHW) & Steam Line D, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Certified Partner for Achieving Exemplary Safety Performance, Indiana Dept. of Labor, Indiana OSHA and Coalition for Construction Safety (CCS), 2021
- HIRE Vets 2021 Gold Medallion Award, US Department of Labor
- Zero Injury Award, Coalition for Construction Safety
- Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) Award, Platinum Level, Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC)
- MBE to MBE Spend Class 3 Award, Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council
- MBE to MBE Spend Class 3 Award, Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council
- #16 on “Top 50 Performers with Special Designations” for 2019, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
- Award of Excellence in Construction, Mechanical/Commercial category, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, “Purdue University Flex Lab Facility,” West Lafayette, IN
- Award of Excellence in Construction, Federal Government/Military/Under $10M category, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, “DTA TACOM Miscellaneous Repairs, Bldg 230,” Detroit Arsenal, Warren, MI
- Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) Award, Gold Level, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), National Chapter
- Outstanding Project Safety Award for Design-Build Recapitalize Deep Draft Berthing Wharf Charlie C-2, Naval Station Mayport, Jacksonville, FL, Coalition for Construction Safety
- 8(a) Graduate of the Year Award for successful former certified 8(a) business development program participants, Small Business Administration (SBA)
- Small Business Award for Outstanding Performance on DoD Contracts and Contributions to Small Business Community, Society for American Military Engineers (SAME)
- Excellence in Construction Award, Federal Government Over $10M Category, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, for project “Design-Build Recapitalization of Deep Draft Berthing Wharf Charlie C-2,” Naval Station Mayport, Jacksonville, FL
- Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) Award, Platinum Level, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter
- Small Business Excellence in Construction Services Award, SAME Kentuckiana Post, for project “Advanced Metering,” Camp Atterbury, Edinburgh, IN and Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, Butlerville, IN
- Safety Training Evaluation Program (STEP) Award, Platinum Level, Guam Contractors’ Association (GCA)
- Zero Injury Award, Coalition for Construction Safety
- Excellence in Construction Award, Other Specialty Category, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, for project “Design-Bid-Build Waterfront Emergency Generators,” Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, GA
- STEP Award, Diamond Level, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter
- STEP Award, Guam Contractors’ Association (GCA)
- Zero Injury Award, Coalition for Construction Safety
- Excellence in Construction (Federal Government/Military Less than $10M Category) from the Guam Contractors Association (GCA) for the Retro Commissioning of Facilities at Andersen AFB, Guam
- Excellence in Construction Eagle Award, National Chapter of ABC, for project “Design-Build Repair Bachelor Quarters (BQ) 846,” Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL
- Excellence in Construction Award, Institutional $3M to $10M Category, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, for project “Design-Build Repair of Bachelor Quarters 846,” Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL
- Excellence in Construction Award, Historical Renovation $3M to $10M Category, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, for project “Design-Build HVAC and Air Conditioning Systems Upgrades,” Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH), Kaneohe Bay, HI
- Zero Injury Award, Coalition for Construction Safety
- National Safety Award, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), National Chapter
- STEP Award, Diamond Level, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter
- Pyramid Winner and Excellence in Construction Award, Federal Government/Military Less Than $10M Category, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, for project “Design-Build Combat Communications Transmission System Facility and Support Facility,” Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
- Award of Excellence in Construction, $3M to $10M Category, from the ABC Indiana/Kentucky Chapter for the Guam Combat Communications Combat Support Facility and Combat Communication Transmission System Facility, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
- Award of Honor in Construction, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, for project “Design-Build Renovation of Building F-30070,” Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH
- Zero Injury Award, Coalition for Construction Safety
- Excellence in Construction Award, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, for project “Trident Refit Facility Dry Dock,” Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, GA
- Excellence in Construction Award, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter, for project “Port Operations Waterfront Facility,” Marine Corps Support Facility (MCSF), Blount Island, FL
- Safety Through Awards and Recognition (STAR) Program for Outstanding Safety Awareness, Public Works Department Kings Bay, for project “Design-Build Repair Trident Refit Facility,” Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, GA
- STEP Award, Platinum Level, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter
- Excellence in Construction Award,$10-100M Federal Category, GCA, for project “Combat Support Vehicle Maintenance Facility,” Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
- Excellence in Construction Design-Build Award, GCA, for project “Combat Support Vehicle Maintenance Facility,” Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
- Excellence in Construction Award, ABC, for project “Combat Support Vehicle Maintenance Facility,” Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
- STEP Award, Platinum Level, ABC, Indiana/Kentucky Chapter
- Safety Through Awards and Recognition (STAR) Program for Outstanding Safety Awareness, Public Works Department, for project “Design-Build Combat Support Vehicle Maintenance Facility,” Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
- Excellence in Achievement Award, Tilt-Up Concrete Association, for project “Design-Build Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC) Cave Complex,” Butlerville, IN
- Industrial/Commercial/Retail Under $10M Award, Design-Build Institute of America, Great Lakes Region, for project “Design-Build MUTC Cave Complex,” Butlerville, IN
- Zero Injury Award, Metro Indianapolis Coalition for Construction Safety
- Small Business Award for Outstanding Performance on DoD Contracts, Society for American Military Engineers (SAME)
- Ranked 75th in the Top Hispanic American Owned Businesses in the US,
- Ranked 15th in the Top 50 Diversity Owned Businesses in Indiana,
- Zero Injury Award, Metro Indianapolis Coalition for Construction Safety
- Robert B. Flowers Small Business Award, Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
- Zero Injury Award, Metro Indianapolis Coalition for Construction Safety
- District Minority Small Business Persons of the Year Award, Small Business Administration (SBA) Indiana District Office
- Indiana Companies to Watch Award, Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Purdue University, and the Edward Lowe Foundation
- Ranked 138th in the Top Hispanic American-Owned Businesses in the US,
- Ranked 15th in the Top 50 Diversity-Owned Businesses in Indiana,
- Growth Award, Indiana Entrepreneurial Leadership Awards
- Zero Injury Award, Metro Indianapolis Coalition for Construction Safety
- Zero Injury Award, Metro Indianapolis Coalition for Construction Safety
- Zero Injury Award, Metro Indianapolis Coalition for Construction Safety
- Zero Injury Award, Metro Indianapolis Coalition for Construction Safety